24-Hour Attendance Line
(408) 423-3905
Please be sure to call the
attendance line no later than 9AM of any/every day that your child will not be in school and leave the following information:
- The student's name
- Your name and relationship to the student
- The student's teacher and/or room number
- The reason for the absence
See Board Policy for details regarding excused and unexcused absences.
RSS feed for Homepage
Welcome Back and Reopening Plan Update
Posted 8/1/20
网游加速器免费-免费网游加速器哪个好-永久免费网游加速器 ...:2021-6-14 · 网游加速器的本质便是利用转站服务项目加快,实际上仅仅提升一下你的网络空间罢了,例如网通电信(或铁通)客户玩电信网区手机 游戏。全是掏钱连接点,没有什么科技含量。
Posted 7/10/20
Reopening Plan Update
Posted 6/30/20
Posted 6/17/20
Superintendent Kemp’s Weekly Update
Posted 5/18/20
School Campuses Closed Through the End of the School Year
Posted 4/2/20
New! Washington Open Virtual Library
Check out the new Washington Open Library page for fun activities, read-alouds, games, and other resources.
CSGO 现在哪款加速器好用?:2021-11-28 · 熊猫加速器,CSGO延迟50 csgo常用的不就是奇游跟极迅么,可众试试极迅 熊猫加速器 亲测55延迟~ 超好用, 全面支持gta5、csgo、彩虹六号、全境封锁、黎明杀机、韩服/日服...
Faculty & Staff Directory
Cafeteria Lunch Menu
绝地求生加速器排行榜 绝地求生加速器试用推荐_特玩 ...:2021-11-7 · 玩绝地求生没有加速器怎么行呢?所众今天在这里给大家带来关于绝地求生加速器的排行榜。顺便对每个加速器的试用情况仔细进行了说明!不过最终选哪个,还是自己试了之后再决定了!毕竟每个地区的网络情况都是不一样的,有些地方这个加速器好用,但是某些地方又是那个加速器好用!
Fundraising Activities
Box Tops for Education
Safety Patrol Survey
School Forms
2024-2024 Parent-Student Handbook (PDF)
Wellness Check-in Appointments
The new Washington Open Elementary web site is responsive to mobile devices and accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Project Cornerstone
Last week in your child’s classroom, I read the book Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae. In this book, Gerald, a gangly giraffe, wants to join in at the dance; but all the other animals make fun of him. Luckily, Gerald meets a friendly cricket that helps him tap into his inner-self and discover his unique talents.
Drama Program
Each year, Washington Open presents a musical. Everyone in the community is invited to participate and the results are truly amazing. The talent and growth we see in our students truly makes the effort worthwhile.